FFilmation Engine is an AS3 isometric programing engine, focused mainly on game development.
Here’s a list of highlited features mentioned in the FFilmation site:
1. One engine capable of handling several isometric scenes of different complexities.
2. Create scenes from human-readable XML definitions, allowing easy edition of the scene’s topology and contents
3. Graphic media can be split into several external resources and loaded when an scene needs them
4. Flat textures. Paint your grahics directly into flash. Walls, floors and celings are edited as 2D graphics and projected by the engine. Elements and animated characters can be animated via flash timeline, no need for complex programming.
5. Dynamic lighting, global lighting, real-time shadow projection. Multiple lights from multiple sources affecting the same objects.
6. Bump-mapped surfaces. Still somehow buggy and a serious performance killer, but already there.
7. An extendable material interface. MovieClip materials, autotiled materials, procedural materials.
8. Automatic zSorting of all surfaces and objects
9. Built-in collision detection. No need to program complex coordinate comparisions, simple listen to COLLISION events generated by the engine.
10. Basic AI API helpers such as “is character A visible from character B’s position ?”
So we've a 3d World filled with particle systems, wow! what a color full scene?
I cant stop creating a world for me with these...
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